Can you get a refund on a Vueling flight?
You can get a refund from Vueling Airlines but in the form of flight credit, which you can use to book a new flight from Vueling. It depends on the fare rules that apply when you purchase the ticket. Besides, you can also opt for a refund when the Vueling cancels flight 1-802-400-2642. If you don't know how to get a refund from Vueling, here is the guide below for your reference. In addition to that, make sure to cancel the booking first.
Easy steps to get a refund from Vueling
- Go to the official site of Vueling Airlines.
- In the search bar, type refund form to get direct links
- You need to click on the refund form link on the screen to open it
- Now fill in all the refund related information, and at the end, provide the brief information
- Click on the submit button now to share the refund form with the airline
- Once done, the support team reviews the form and provides a refund as soon as possible
You can also speak to Vueling Airlines to process the refund if you don't find the online method feasible.
How long does it to take a refund from Vueling airlines?
Once you cancel the Vueling flight ticket and apply for the refund, it normally takes 7-10 working days, depending on several factors. Besides, to avoid any delay or hassle, you should go through the airline's refund policy highlights mentioned below.
- The Vueling airlines provide a refund in the form of credit when you decide to cancel the airline. However, if the airline cancels the flight on their end, you can choose to get a full refund in that case.
- If you hold a Flex pack ticket or an Optima, family, or TimeFlex fare, you have the right to cancel the flight for free up to 48 hours before departure and get flight credit.
- Vueling issues the flight credit or refund based on ticket types and the passenger's canceling flight because of exceptional situations like serious illness, passenger death, close relative, etc.
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